24 Ways to Get More Traffic with Pinterest to Your Blog

Pinterest is the easiest social media platform to drive traffic to your blog.

Getting ranked high in Google and receiving organic traffic is important but it takes time. With Pinterest, on the other hand, you can get traffic right away. 

The main challenge in starting a new blog is getting traffic. It is hard to continue writing post after post if you know that no one is reading it.

The sad reality about blogging is that it takes at least six months to start getting a decent amount of organic traffic from the search engines. 

However, there are some other ways to drive traffic to your posts right away. Currently one of the best ways to do that is to use Pinterest. 

Pinterest allows users to share visual content. It is extremely popular with female demographics but guys are starting to catch on as well. 

How long does it take to get traffic from Pinterest?

You can start receiving traffic from Pinterest in less than 24 hours after you posted the pin. 

However, if you just joined Pinterest it will take some time to build your boards and create a decent number of pins before you will start seeing a good amount of traffic from Pinterest. 

The advantage of Pinterest is that all your pins will be bringing you traffic long after you posted them. 

This is quite different from Facebook or Twitter where most of the traffic will come right after your post goes live and then traffic will gradually stop in a few weeks. 

Think of Pinterest as a search engine instead of just a social network. 

24 Ways to Get More Traffic From Pinterest.

1. Signup For Business Account On Pinterest. 

The first step is to sign up for a business account on Pinterest. 

Business accounts are free but have additional features that will help you in tracking your success on Pinterest. 

Analytics allow you to see how much engagement and views you are getting on Pinterest as well as which pins bring the most traffic. 

If you don’t have a Pinterest account yet, sign up for a business account from the start. If you already have an account on Pinterest you can convert your personal account to a business account. 

To customize your Pinterest profile page and boost your credibility validate your blog, add a profile picture, a description of who you are and a link to your blog. 

2. Use High-Quality Images on Pinterest.

Pinterest is a visual search engine and images are very important for getting more engagement on Pinterest. I use a mix of my own photos as well as stock images for my pins. 

There are a few big free stock image websites like Pixabay where you can download high quality completely free images.

However, I prefer to buy images on stock image sites like Shutterstock just because there are more options there and I want to be 100% sure that I am not going to run into any copyright issues.

3. Use Keywords to Get More Traffic on Pinterest.

Pinterest is a search engine which means that using keywords in your pins is very important if you want to get more impressions and clicks. There are several ways to find keywords that will bring you traffic. 

The first way is to use suggested keywords from the search bar on Pinterest. All you have to do is to start searching for something related to your niche and Pinterest will show you related search queries that you can use as your keywords.

The second way is to use Google to find keywords. Just type in something in Google and it will show you related searches that you can use as keywords for your pins. 

4. Write Better Pinterest Descriptions.

When writing Pinterest descriptions we need to keep two things in mind. 

First of all, Pinterest is a search engine so keywords are important. 

Secondly, people read pin descriptions and based on that decide whether to visit your website or not. 

To kill two birds with one stone write 2-3 keyword rich sentences to describe your pin. Use long-tail keywords that have less competition but will still bring you traffic. 

5. Turn You Keywords Into Hashtags on Pinterest.

There are a lot of debates on how important are hashtags on Pinterest. 

However, everyone agrees that hashtags do bring you more traffic. 

The easiest way to use hashtags on Pinterest is to convert your keywords into hashtags and add them under your pins’ descriptions. 

For example, if your keyword is How to Travel the Philippines you can use #PhilippinesTravel as a hashtag. 

Capitalize each word in the hashtag to make it look prettier and easier to read. 

6. Use Strong Call to Action (CTA) in Your Pins.

You heard this before – call to action is important for getting leads and sales. The same goes for getting higher CTR on Pinterest. 

Higher CTR means more visitors to your blog and higher revenue. 

Here are some examples of calls to action that you can use on Pinterest:

  • Get it for free now
  • Click here to get it
  • Get it now
  • Subscribe today
  • Join us
  • Learn more
  • Find out right now
  • Did it happen to you?
  • Did you know?
  • Don’t make this mistake 
  • Only available for a short period
  • Last chance to
  • Read my secret formula
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  • Free exclusive tips
  • Save now
  • Did you try it?

7. Be Consistent on Pinterest and Pin Every day to Increase Your Traffic.

Even though the quality of your pins is important, the number of pins also has a significant effect on the amount of traffic that you will get to your website. 

There are millions of new pins created daily and that’s why having a lot of pins will help you to stand out. 

8. Use Canva to Create Beautiful Pins.

You can create pins in Photoshop or any other image editor but I found that it is much more time-efficient to use Canva to create pins. 

There are a lot of designs and images to choose from and you can upload your own images as well. 

Canva does have a premium option but I currently use the free one and didn’t run into any issues yet. 

9. To Save Time on Pinterest Schedule Your Pins in Advance.

It is important to create new pins every day but it is time-consuming. 

That’s why I suggest setting aside a few hours a week and creating all the pins for the week. 

You can either schedule pins directly on Pinterest or use premium services like Tailwind which gives you more options and allows you to optimize your posting schedule to get more engagement. 

10. Create Multiple Boards on Pinterest. 

Create a separate board for each topic to help visitors navigate more easily. Use descriptions and long-tail keywords to get a better ranking and more traffic to your boards. 

You can use the popular searches on Pinterest to come up with the names for your boards. 

Not only you will get bet ranking on Pinterest but your boards might even start ranking higher in Google which will bring you even more traffic.  

One way to customize your boards and make them look more professional is to use a cover image. 

11. Add Featured Boards to Your Profile.

Instead of only showing the latest pins on your profile you can pick a few boards that will show up on your profile page. 

This can be done under the “Edit Profile” section. 

Scroll down and you will see an option to edit your featured boards. Select up to 5 boards that you want to feature on your page and click Save. 

12. Automate your Pinterest Efforts.

As I mentioned before try to schedule pins in advance and use templates on Canva or similar apps to decrease the amount of time you spend creating pins. Pinterest requires both quality and quantity so try to optimize both. 

It is important to understand that in most cases you will need a couple of thousands of pins to drive a decent amount of traffic to your blog so try to automate as much as possible.

13. Outsource Your Pinterest Work. 

This brings us to outsourcing. If you have resources but lack time, find a freelancer who can create and post pins for you. 

Creating pins doesn’t require a lot of skills and can be outsourced to freelancers in the Philippines or India who charge less than US-based freelancers. 

14. Create Pins of the Right Size.

Pinterest pins should have a 2:3 ratio and the optimal size is 1000 x 1500 pixels. The best format is either PNG or JPG. 

15. Add Text to Your Images.

To stand out add a text to your pins. 

You can use the title of your post as a text on your pins and add a call to action to get more clicks and visitors. 

I also add URL or name of my blog to my pins to spread awareness of my brand and prevent people from stealing my pins. 

16. Focus on CTR, Not on Impressions.

It is pretty easy to get a lot of impressions on Pinterest but if no one is clicking on your pins and visits your blog you are not getting any traffic. 

Depending on your niche it might be challenging to get a good CTR and it is not unheard of to have CTR below 0.05%.

CTR is extremely important and you should work constantly on optimizing it. 

Just think about it. If your current CTR is 0.05% and you can increase it to 0.1% it means that your Pinterest traffic will double. 

17. Add Pin It Button to Your Blog.

There are several WordPress social plugins that you can use to add the Pin It button to your posts. 

18. Follow People In Your Niche to Get More Followers.

Even though followers are not as important on Pinterest as on Instagram or Youtube, having a big following will help you to get a little more traffic to your blog. 

The easiest way to get more followers on Pinterest is to start following other people who post pins related to your niche.

Not everyone will follow you back but on average for every 10 people that you follow you should get at least 1-2 followers. 

19. Keep in Mind That Most of Pinterest Users are Females.

Even though the number of guys using Pinterest is increasing at this point still a large number of users are females so target you pins to female demographics. 

This means using softer colors and posting female-friendly pins. If you spent some time scrolling through Pinterest you probably noticed that there is a lot of pink color on Pinterest. 

20. Try Using Videos In Your Pins.

Video pins are still relatively new to Pinterest and it might be easier to stand out if you use video for some of your pins. 

21. Use Rich Pins on Pinterest.

Rich Pins as the name suggests show extra information about the product, article or recipe.

Rich Pins stand out from the rest of the pins on Pinterest and this helps in getting higher CTR.

You can use the Yoast SEO plugin to create Rich Pins from your blog posts. 

22. Repin Other People’s Content to Get More Engagement and Followers.

There are a few reasons why it is a good idea to repin: more followers, faster to build your boards and it will help you to build a community around your boards. 

Some Pinterest users might even consider your boards spammy if you only have your own pins with all the links only going to your blog. 

Aim to have 50% of your pins and the rest repins in your boards. 

23. Use Pinterest Groups.

Pinterest groups are big public boards where you can post your pins. 

The main challenge is finding those boards.

One handy tool is https://pingroupie.com/ where you can search for groups related to your niche.  

24. Comment on Popular Pins.

Leaving comments on popular pins will help you to network and get more traffic to your own pins.

These are the main Pinterest tips that will help you to get more traffic to your blog.

Remember to be patient with Pinterest.

It might take some time before you will start seeing consistent results so don’t give up if you don’t see a lot of visitors to your blog right away.

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