12 Ways to Drive More Traffic to Your Blog With Quora

So why put your energy into Quora if you can get all the traffic from Google?

If you just created a new blog, you will soon realize that it might take months until you start seeing a decent amount of traffic from Google.

It is quite a frustrating situation when you have something great to share on your blog but no one is reading it.

Even if you already get a decent amount of traffic from Google, it is important to diversify your traffic sources just in case Google changes its algorithm one day and you lose half of your visitors.

So what can you do to start getting more traffic to your blog right away?

Quora is one of the solutions that can bring you a lot of visitors if used correctly.

Another advantage of using Quora for generating traffic is that you will get targeted visitors who are interested in what you have to offer.

This type of traffic converts much better than the traffic you will get from most of your social networks.

What is Quora and Why Should You Care?

Quora is one of the biggest question & answer (Q&A) websites in the world.

Basically, some users ask questions on all kinds of topics while others answer.

If you search for something in Google, you might notice that there are a lot of Quora answers that show up on the first page of the search results.

When I created my first website about 10 years ago, I used Yahoo Answers to drive traffic to my blog and it worked pretty well.

However, Quora is taking Q & A to a completely new level. There is barely any spam on Quora and most of the answers are very detailed and answered by experts.

Quora is also a great place for personal branding and growing credibility in your field.

As you answer more questions, you will gain more exposure and people will start seeing you as an expert in your niche.

How to Drive More Traffic to Your Blog With Quora?

1. Join Quora. 

How to Get Traffic From Quora

The first step for using Quora for driving traffic to your blog is to register.

There are a few ways to join Quora. You can either sign up with your email address or join with your Facebook & Google accounts.

After registering, you will need to pick several topics that you are interested in.

Select something related to the niche of your blogs.

2. Write Your Quora Bio.

Bio is very important on Quora and spending some time creating it will increase the amount of traffic that you will get.

Your bio should explain who you are, what you do and what you are good at so that people can trust the information that you provide in your answers.

There are a lot of great examples of bios on Quora. Just search for a few people who post answers related to your niche and model your bio based on what they have.

3. Upload Your Profile Photo.

It is important to make your Quora profile look professional. Use a good photo that shows your face to increase your credibility.

You can use the same type of photo that you would use for Linkedin profile.

In general, it is a good approach to treat Quora the same way you would treat Linkedin, where you act professionally in all of your interactions and try your best not to spam.

You never know who might be reading your content. It might be your friends, potential clients or maybe even your parents.

Depending on your niche you might not be comfortable revealing your identity so instead, post a photo of yourself facing away from the camera.

4. Add Your Social Media Accounts.

On your Quora profile add a few links to some of your social media accounts.

This will increase your credibility, provide more info to the visitors on what you do and will help you to gain more followers on all of your other social platforms.

5. Add Links to Your High Converting High-Value Content.

Even though having a link on your profile to your blog will bring you traffic, it will be challenging to convert those visitors if they just arrive on the front page of your blog.

In general, it is much easier to make money from your blog if you are able to monetize every visitor instead of hoping that one of those visitors who comes to your home page will click on your AdSense ad and earn your $0.50 before leaving your blog for good.

Instead, create high converting landing pages that provide a lot of value to your Quora visitors. This way visitors will stay longer on your blog and might potentially become your customers.

Another approach is to go to Google Analytics to find your top-performing posts and use them as your landing pages. In most cases, these will be the pages with a low bounce rate.

6. Read Other People’s Answers.

It is important to familiarize yourself with Quora before you jump into answering the questions.

Spend some time reading answers from other people in your niche. Notice which answers get the most views and upvotes.

7. Write Long In-depth Answers. 

Answer Quora questions to get more traffic to your blog

So how do you promote your blog on Quora? The easiest way to do it is to answer questions and insert links into some of your answers.

If you spend some time at Quora you will notice that the long in-depth answers usually get the most views, upvotes and show up at the top of the page.

Most of those articles are well-formatted and include:

  • Images, photos or screenshots – adding visual data to your answer can make it easier to standout out and get more views. It is important to make sure that you own the rights to the image before posting it. Create your own images or use stock photos if needed.
  • Bullet points or number lists – it is important to structure your Quora answers in a way that allows readers to quickly skim over it and get the idea of what you are trying to say.
  • Add your personal story – the answers which include a short personal story are usually ranked higher.
  • Each answer should be at least 250 words.

It does take time to write answers like that but it is the only way to become an authority in competitive niches.

Should You Add Links to Your Quora Answers? 

You have to be careful when adding links to your answers. Quora is not the place to spam and they will ban you in are heartbeat if you do, so to be safe, only link to useful content that will benefit the visitor.

If you posted a high value 500-750 word answer you shouldn’t have issues adding a link but if you answer doesn’t provide any value to the person asking the question and you add a link, it might be marked as spam.

One thing I noticed is that very few people add links to their answers so don’t link to your blog in every answer.

If you provide valuable information, most people will click on your profile and that’s where you can have all the links to your blog.

I would also avoid adding affiliate links to your Quora answers.

8. Focus on Answering Quora Questions That Will Drive the Most Traffic.

There are millions of questions on Quora that you could be answering but not all of those questions will drive the equal amount of traffic to your blog.

Instead, focus on questions that have the highest potential to show up on the first page or Google which ultimately will result in thousands of people reading your answers and some of them visiting your blog.  

Here are a few ways to find those high traffic questions on Quora

  • Check the number of views â€“ the questions with a large number of views indicate that a lot of people are interested in the answer. You can also check the number of views that the question received in the last 24 hours.
  • Check the number of followers â€“ the questions with a larger number of followers will get more views simply because many people are interested in an answer.
  • Check the first page of Google â€“ type in one of your keywords in Google and see if any of the Quora answers show up there. If there is a question there – answer it. This will guarantee that your answer will get a lot of views from people searching for your keyword in Google. However keep in mind that if the question already has a lot of answers, it might be hard to rank your answer high unless you are able to provide more value.

10. Become the Most Viewed Writer in Your Niche.

Get more views and upvotes on Quora

Quora picks the top 10 writers with the most views in the last 30 days for different niches.

If you are selected as the most viewed writer in your niche, you will immediately gain more authority and your answers will be ranked higher and show up more often on Quora.

11. Be Consistent With Quora.

Even with Quora, it takes time to see great results.

As you start answering questions on Quora, you will start seeing some traffic to your blog however the amount of traffic will highly depend on the number and quality of your answers.

For best results, I suggest making a goal of how many answers you will write on Quora per month and stick with it.

It is not feasible to write 10-20 answers a day for a month. Instead, commit to something more reasonable like 1-5 answers per day.

Being consistent will pay off because your older answers will continue to drive traffic to your blog.

12. Use Quora to Find Keywords for Your Blog Posts.

How to find long-tail keywords on Quora

Finally, you can use Quora for generating long-tail niche keyword ideas.

One way to find keywords on Quora is with related questions.

Open any answer related to your niche and you will see related questions that you can use as ideas for your blog posts.

If you see a lot of questions around the specific topic it might be a good keyword opportunity.

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