The success of many blogs can be measured by the amount of traffic they get.
It is hard to be motivated and continue creating new content when there are no visitors coming to your blog.
The goal of this post is to summarize the best ways to drive traffic to a blog.
Some of the methods such as growing organic traffic from Google take time.
While other techniques like using your social media can bring you traffic much faster.
How to Get More Traffic to Your Blog?

1. Get Organic Search Traffic
There are 3 main search engines to get organic traffic: Google, Bing, and Yahoo.
In my experience about 90% of the search engine traffic comes from Google and the rest is from Yahoo and Bing.
If you have a new blog and it is not indexed yet, you can submit it to both Google and Bing using the links below:
Google Search Console – submit your blog to Google
Bing Webmaster Tools – submit your blog to Bing and Yahoo
Even if you don’t submit your blog to search engines, your pages will still be indexed but it might take a little longer.
It is also worth submitting your sitemaps so that search engines can get a better understanding of how your blog is structured.
Both Yoast SEO and All in One SEO WordPress plugins have an option to automatically create sitemaps for your blog.
Google is still the best way to get high-quality traffic.
It does take time and a lot of content to start seeing results.
Both Bing and Yahoo use a similar type of search algorithm as Google.
That’s why you can just focus on optimizing your blog for Google and this will also help you to start ranking higher in Yahoo and Bing.
How to Get More Traffic from Google?
- Writing high-quality engaging content.
- Writing in-depth long-form articles (more than 1500 words per post).
- Targeting low competition long-tail keywords.
- Reducing the bounce rate by increasing engagement.
- Working on getting more backlinks to your blog.
- Posting fresh content and keeping older posts up to date.
- Using attractive headlines to increase click though ratio in search results.
- Making sure the blog is fast and mobile-friendly.
Google is the biggest search engine in the world so don’t ignore it if you are looking for free organic traffic.
Don’t Miss: 12 Easy Ways to Improve Google Search Ranking to Get More Traffic
2. Post on Pinterest
A lot of bloggers are using Pinterest to drive traffic to their blogs.
The cool thing about Pinterest is that you can get visitors to your website as soon as you post a pin.
Another advantage of Pinterest is that you will continue receiving traffic to your blogs long after you stop posting your pins.
Think of Pinterest as a visual search engine.
Don’t ignore Pinterest as a traffic source just because it requires you to create pins.
There are free services like Canva where you can create awesome pins in under a few minutes.
If you don’t have any images, you can sign up for the premium version of Canva or just get them from the stock platforms like Shutterstock.
Or you can even look for free images on sites like Pixabay.
Don’t Miss: 24 Ways to Get More Traffic with Pinterest to Your Blog
3. Answer Questions on Quora
Quora is the biggest question and answer website in the world.
If you search for something in Google, you will likely see some search results from Quora.
To drive traffic from Quora you need to answer questions related to your niche.
You can add links either directly into your answers or as most Quora users do is have your links in your Quora bio.
To be successful on Quora focus on providing high-quality answers and limit the number of links to your blog.
Don’t Miss: 12 Ways to Drive More Traffic to Your Blog With Quora
4. Post Videos on YouTube
YouTube is the second biggest search engine after Google.
There are more than a billion people who watch videos on YouTube daily.
It would be a shame not to grab a piece of this traffic pie and send it to your blog.
The easiest way to create YouTube videos is to publish how-to videos, tutorials, or tech videos related to your blog.
Alternatively, you can hire someone on Fiverr to create videos related to your niche.
It is going to take some time before you will start seeing consistent traffic from YouTube.
But as your channel will grow so will the traffic to your blog.
5. Create Instagram Account
Depending on your niche, Instagram can be another great way to drive traffic to your blog.
It works great if you have a lot of visual content.
The number one place to have a clickable link to your blog is on your Instagram bio.
If you have more than 10,000 followers, you can also add it to your stories.
Another spot to have a clickable link to your blog is on IGTV videos.
If you already have YouTube, you can re-upload some of the videos to IGTV.
Use a call to action in your captions to refer your Instagram followers to your blog.
6. Create Facebook Page
If you have a blog you should have a Facebook page.
You can drive a lot of traffic to your blog from Facebook if you build a community around your niche.
If you don’t have a Facebook Page, you can add links to your personal Facebook profile and invite your friends to visit your blog.
Another good idea is to upload the videos that you are already uploading to Youtube to your Facebook Page as well.
Most social media platforms rank native videos higher than embedded content.
If you have some money to spend, you can look into Facebook ads which can drive extremely targeted traffic to your blog.
Facebook usually has a promotion where you can get $50 in ads if you never ran Facebook ads before.
7. Post on Twitter
Similarly to other social platforms, you can use Twitter to get traffic to your blog.
It is always a good idea to add an image to your tweets to increase engagement.
Also don’t forget to use relevant hashtags to increase your reach.
To save time on Twitter you can just re-share the content that you are already sharing on Youtube, Instagram, or Facebook.
Another trick that you can try is to find your most converting pages, create a tweet about these pages, and then pin it to the top of your Twitter page to direct people visiting your profile to your blog.
Because tweets have a short lifespan of a few hours you can always re-share your older content to get more traffic.
As with other social networks, try to have a strong call to action in most of your tweets to increase click-through ratio.
8. Guest Blogging
Guest blogging as the name suggests involves writing posts on other popular blogs to increase awareness about your own blog.
When you guest blog you will usually have a chance to include your bio and a few links to your blog.
Guest blogging is one of the best ways to build backlinks that can help your blog to rank higher in Google.
In addition to backlinks you will also be getting consistent traffic from the website where you guest blog.
9. LinkedIn
LinkedIn is used primarly by professionals and companies to connect with each other.
Many companies use LinkedIn to recruit people.
The difference between LinkedIn and other social networks is that on LinkedIn you need to make sure that your content looks professional and provides a lot of value.
When using LinkedIn keep in mind that many of your potential customers will see and judge you on what you post.
So if you have high-quality content, it might be a great platform to get highly targeted traffic to your blog.
10. Build Email List
You need to be always prepared for scenario where Google changes the ranking for your site and you will start seeing less traffic.
What the best way to prepare yourself for something like that?
Building email list is one way to do that.
Even if Google penalizes your blog, you will still be able to use your email list to get traffic to your blog and generate sales.
There are several email marketing platforms that make it easy to start building your email list.
Some of them even provide free membership if you are just starting and have a small number of subscribers.
11. Post on Reddit
You can drive massive amounts of traffic with Reddit.
However the key similarly to LinkedIn is to be very careful about self-promotion.
Try to provide value with your posts and have a link to your blog only if needed.
There are hundreds of different subreddits so choose the one related to your niche to avoid getting banned.
To avoid looking spammy try to build some reputation on Reddit before posting links to your blog.
12. Promote Your Blog on Forums and Communities
Most forums allow you to have links in your signature and that’s one of the ways to promote your blog.
If you can build a good reputation by providing valuable content, people will visit the links in your signature to get more info.
In addition, you can also add the links to your blog in some of your answers if this enhances your post and provides more value.
13. Comment on Other People’s Blogs
Commenting on other people’s blogs got a bad rep because of the spam.
Many new inexperienced bloggers use the comments section to spam.
This is never a good way to drive traffic to your blog because most readers can easily distinguish between spam and the actual helpful comments.
If you put some effort and actually provide value with your comments, not only you will get traffic to your blog but you will start building relationships with other bloggers.
14. Create an Ebook and share it for free
It takes quite a bit of work to write a great ebook if you start from scratch.
But if you just summarize some of your posts you can create an ebook in a couple of days or even less.
Add relevant links to your blog into your ebook and share it on popular ebook platforms such as Scribd, SlideShare, or DocShare.
You can also share it on your social media.
If you spend more time and create a higher quality ebook, you can even look into selling it on Amazon or other self-publishing platforms.
15. Paid Advertising
If you have highly converting pages on your blog, paid advertising can be an effective solution to increase your traffic and revenue.
With paid traffic, you have full control over your traffic and can really target who visits your pages to increase engagement and conversion rates.
Many ad networks such as Adwords, Bing, or Facebook offer free credits that you can use to trial paid advertising without spending any of your own money.
This might be a great way to test if you can actually convert your visitors into leads.

In the early years of blogging, it was easy to get traffic to the blog because of lower competition.
At that time all you needed to get traffic was to write and post articles.
Nowadays however it takes more effort to get visitors to your blog.
That’s why it is important not only to focus on writing but also on promoting your posts using some of the methods that we discussed today.
Because there are a lot of ways to drive more traffic to your blog it is important to build a plan and take small steps instead of running into different directions.
For example one day you can start with getting Pinterest account.
The next day you can focus on creating and scheduling your pins.
The next step might be registering with Quora, creating your profile there, and then answering a few questions.
The goal is to have a long term plan because none of the methods that we discussed will work if you only spend a few hours a month on your promotion.
Because it takes time to create new content to post on Pinterest, YouTube, Instagram, and etc., it is important to try to repurpose your existing content as much as possible.
How to Repurpose Your Content to Get Higher ROI From Your Work
Here is an example of how to repurpose your content.
1) Publish a blog post.
2) Based on the blog post create a YouTube video where you paraphrase your post.
3) You can use your newly created YouTube video to create a podcast.
4) Also, don’t forget to post your YouTube video on Instagram and Facebook.
5) If you have a few closely related posts you can summarize them and create an Ebook that you can either give away for free to everyone who subscribes to your email list or sell it on Fiverr.
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